Waving Matches, 2022

Bold and bright colored illustrations, images and objects created by Johanna Noack in Hamburg, Germany. Some of her best known works are Twitchy Tights (2015) and Soft Icedonis (2019). In 2020 she invented the Jumping Egg.
Illustrations were published by BMW, Deutsche Bahn, Hennessy, Neon, SZ Magazin, Stuttgarter Zeitung Magazin, ZEIT Verlag and various others.
For commissions, cooperations or if you want to buy prints or originals please leave a note via email. A small collection, including Mastercard (2015) is currently available on DROOL.

“Hamburg based illustrator Johanna Noack’s work is infused with pop art influences, both in its style and postmodern approach.
She takes elements from everyday life and mixes them with wry self-referential moments.”   IT’S NICE THAT